Our logo is central to our brand identity.
We have three variations of our logo, each having a specific design usage.
Logo A
Use with blank and light backgrounds.
Logo B
Use with saturated backgrounds.
Logo C
Use with black or dark backgrounds.
Incorrect Logo Usage
Do not use Logo A on saturated backgrounds.
Do not use Logos B and C on light backgrounds
Do not alter logo dimensions.
Colour Palette.
Our brand colours are what makes Cyder’s visual identity distinct. Our primary colours are Cyder Teal and Light Grey.
Cyder Teal
RGB: 124/191/182
C 26% M 0% Y 4% K 25%
Light Grey
RGB: 241/241/243
C 1% M 1% Y 0% K 5%
Accent Colours
RGB: 104/77/148
C 17% M 28% Y 0% K 42%
Light Green
RGB: 244/250/249
C 2% M 0% Y 0% K 2%
Forest Green
RGB: 56/119/108
C 25% M 0% Y 4% K 53%
RGB 0/0/0
C 0% M 0% Y 0% K 100%
Circular STD (Black) is our primary font.
We use it for large pieces of text, such
as headings and subheadings.
Our secondary font is Helvetica, which we use for paragraphs and long pieces of text.